Carrera Teenage Pregnancy Prevention
Culminating Awards Program
On September 1, 2010, Dr. Mary Langley and the Health Promotion Resource Center in the Department of Community Health & Preventive Medicine at Morehouse School of Medicine, received a five-year grant totaling $7.5 million from the Office of Adolescent Health, to replicate the Children's Aid Society’s Carrera Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program (TPP). During the course of the five-year grant, over 150 students were recruited and have transitioned from middle to high school, maturing physically, emotionally and socially. The Georgia Carrera students have reached many milestones and have shown that youth are not at risk, but at promise! TPP has worked with three community-based organizations from three different geographical locations, rural—Monticello (Jasper County), metropolitan—Barnesville (Lamar County), and metropolitan—Atlanta (Fulton and Cobb Counties).
MSM President and Dean, Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice, will be the keynote speaker at the TPP luncheon on June 3rd to celebrate the accomplishments of the students and the success of the Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program. Students’ final activity in June will be a week-long educational Georgia Coastal tour to include Savannah, Jekyll Island and St. Simon Island. The program will end on August 31, 2015.