MSM Office of Educational Affairs Hosts First Annual Standardized Patient Appreciation Banquet
On June 12, 2015, the Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) Office of Educational Affairs Clinical Skills Center hosted its first annual Standardized Patient Appreciation Banquet. Standardized Patients are trained actors who portray patients during an interview and physical exam with a medical student or doctor in training. Standardized Patients help 3rd year medical students improve communication skills and prepare for Step 2 of the USMLE Boards.
The banquet included music, a tour of the Clinical Skills Center, a celebration meal, speeches from faculty as well as a special thank you from MSM 3rd year medical student and 2016 Class President Wali Johnson. The ceremony concluded with recognition and presentations of certificates for 36 Standardized Patients.
Office of Educational Affairs faculty expressed their appreciation to all the Standardized Patient volunteers with a special acronym:
Valuable is your participation to our student doctors in training
Outstanding is how you always come through
Loyal, sincere and full of good cheer
Understanding and untiring in your efforts throughout the year
Needed and notable are the contributions you make
Trustworthy in every activity you participate
Enthusiastic and eager to help reach the goals
Effective and enjoy the way you fulfill the roles
Ready with a smile, like a bright shining star
Special and wonderful -- that's what you are