MSM in the News
Dr. David Satcher's article was featured in the Atlanta Daybook article, "Dr. David Satcher: Four Life Facts Can Be Mental Health Indicators."
Dr. David Satcher was featured in an interview with Jocelyn Dorsey for WSBTV's "People2People" on November 23, 2014.
MSM on a Mission
MSM was featured on Webs Edge Health's YouTube channel in a video titled, "Morehouse School of Medicine Prevention Research Center - A Community-owned Research
Dr. Stephanie Miles-Richardson, assistant dean for graduate education in public health and MPH program director,
was elected to the executive council of the Association of Accredited Public Health
Dr. Camara P. Jones, senior fellow for the Satcher Health Leadership Institute, was recently voted president-elect
of the American Public Health Association.
MSM MD1 student, Miles Freeman, had an article published in Biologics: Targets and Therapy titled, "Inactivation of Chromatin Remodeling Factors Sensitized Cells to Selective Cytotoxic
The Center for Disease Control awarded Dr. Rakale C. Quarells $1.2 million to study
epilepsy self-management and depression among African Americans. The project is seeking
to hire a student with an interest in epilepsy. If interested, please contact Venice Haynes at (404) 756-8832.
MSM Moment
Why did you join MSM, and, perhaps more importantly, why do you stay?
Please sign up to share your story. We will shoot the videos every Wednesday. Send your name, title, and department to, and you will be contacted for your interview.
Don't miss a moment of what's trending at MSM. Follow Dr. Montgomery Rice on these
social media platforms:
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Missed the November 19, 2014 Town Hall? A recording of the meeting can be viewed online.
Register today for the Frontiers in Stem Cells in Cancer training course that takes place February 8 through 13, 2015 at Ponce School of Medicine
in Ponce, Puerto Rico. The deadline to register is December 5, 2014.
A Taste of African Heritage Program begins December 1, 2014. To sign-up for the program, please contact Wanda Montsho.
On display through December 12, 2014, the Seeking to Tell a Story: Political Action from Slavery to Civil Rights exhibit, highlighting black political action in Georgia related to the civil rights
movement, is on display at the Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library’s Archives Research Center.
As part of our initiative for Operational Excellence, and in order to provide the
highest level of customer service to our students, MSM has changed its work hours.
FAQ's regarding the new work hours
Free Flu Shots
Free Flu vaccines will be available for the MSM Community every Tuesday and Thursday
from 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. in the Clinical Research Center - Observation room - First
Have News/Ideas?
Share your upcoming events with marketing and communications. We can often leverage these activities as media opportunities, showcase how what
we do aligns with our vision and mission, and highlight our talented faculty. Our
goal is to show the impact MSM is having on communities and national conversations.
Please send other suggestions, ideas, and concerns to
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to all MSM faculty, staff, students and residents. As we celebrate
family and give thanks for our many blessings, I wish each of you an enjoyable Thanksgiving
holiday with family and friends, and I pray that you and your loved ones travel safely.
Warm Regards,
Valerie Montgomery Rice, M.D. President and Dean
Upcoming Events
November 25, 2014
Looking Ahead to 2015
November 27-28, 2014
Thanksgiving Holiday
Click here to view other MSM events.
Save the Date
December 9, 2014
Conducting Effective Meetings
December 10, 2014
Business Etiquette: Pursuit of Professional Excellence
December 10, 2014
Book and Gift Fair
December 17, 2014
Conflicts of Interest Workshop
December 19, 2014
Time Will Tell: GSK3 Promotion of Excitability in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus and
Grand Rounds
December 3, 2014
Cardio-Renal Syndrome: New Insights into Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and CDK
December 10, 2014
Outcome Research and its Impact on Trauma Care: Who, Why, When?